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Far Cry: Primal: Таблица для Cheat Engine (Добавлен Inventory Editor) [1.3.3]

Добавил: 1010101

Дата: 8-01-2017, 14:52

Просмотров: 595

Комментариев: 0

    Far Cry: Primal: Таблица для Cheat Engine (Добавлен Inventory Editor) [1.3.3]

    Как использовать новую функцию "Редактор Инвентаря":

    1) Activate [Inventory Editor] script.

    2) In-game, make sure you're not in any of your bases and at least one weapon is equipped. Otherwise the needed pointers won't get populated. Verify that

    CPawn and CInventory are valid (not 0 or '??') in the orange expandable Debug section.
    3) Alt-tab and enable Edit Resources script.

    Once done, you then have 2 or 3 scenarios available:

    a. Double-click the value of the Item and choose from the drop-down list the one you want to refill (leave Amount set to 100, it won't affect the function). In-game, press Numpad 7 to get max amount of that resource.

    b. Press Numpad 9 if you want everything refilled to max

    c. Edit Edit Resources script to filter only the resources you want (putting a // in front of the ones don't need, starting with line 27 in the script and ending with 87), then enable the script and use Numpad 9 to get them.

    Процесс запуска таблицы:
    1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу.
    2. "Select a process to open", выбрать процесс игры.
    3. Поставить крестик в первом чекбоксе.
    4. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

    Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.


    Размер файла: 57.14KB

    fcprimal.ct [57,14 Kb]

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